Canada September Murder Count: 49
Males: 35
Females: 14
Age of Youngest Victim: 2
Age of Oldest Victim: 81
Murders By Province or Territory
AB 16
ON 13
QC 7
BC 5
SK 3
NS 3
NT 1
MB 1
YT 0
PE 0
NU 0
NL 0
NB 0
Murders by Type
Beating 4
Shooting 13
Stabbing 10
Other 5
Unknown 17
Murders By City
Calgary 7
Montreal 5
Wilno 3
Vancouver 3
Edmonton 3
Scarborough 2
Lachute 2
Blairmore 2
Yellowknife 1
Vulcan 1
Truro 1
Toronto 1
Taber 1
Sydney 1
South Frontenac 1
Sherwood Park 1
River Heights 1
Regina 1
Pickering 1
Ottawa 1
Oakville 1
North Lethbridge 1
Mississauga 1
Kingston 1
Halifax 1
Coleman 1
Bradford 1
Ahtahkakoop First Nation 1
Abbotsford 1
Burnaby 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Blanchett, Terry, 27.0, Blairmore AB
Burton, Frank, 56.0, Calgary AB
Campbell, Brandon, 21.0, Edmonton AB
Campbell, Catherine, 36.0, Truro NS
Campellone, Marco Claudio, 24.0, Montreal QC
Carothers, Kallen, 23.0, Calgary AB
Chisholm, Stephen Tyler, 25.0, Sydney NS
Clachar, Isaiah, 17.0, Ottawa ON
Crow Shoe, Victoria Joanne, Calgary, AB
Culleton, Carol, 66.0, Wilno ON
Currie, Karen, 56.0, Vulcan AB
De Champlain, Christian, 44.0, Lachute QC
Doe, Jane, 55.0, Vancouver BC
Doe, John, River Heights, MB
Doe, John, Yellowknife, NT
Doe, John, 18.0, Edmonton AB
Doe, John, 18.0, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 25.0, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 25.0, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 74.0, Abbotsford BC
Doe, John, 81.0, Halifax NS
Dunbar-Blanchette, Hailey, 2.0, Blairmore AB
Fernley, Edmund, 30.0, Scarborough ON
Flitton, Matthew James, North Lethbridge, AB
Hunter, Melanie Susan, 55.0, Sherwood Park AB
Jovanovic, Christian, 41.0, Calgary AB
Kenyi, Madad Kenyi, 53.0, Mississauga ON
Kiseyinewakup, Silas Lorne, 26.0, Taber SK
Knife, Tyrone Jacob, 21.0, Ahtahkakoop First Nation SK
Kuzyk, Anastasia, 36.0, Wilno ON
Larmond, Bevis, 56.0, Scarborough ON
McCallen, James, 56.0, Bradford ON
Meketech, Hannah, 69.0, Coleman AB
Moise, Darian Denzel, 16.0, Regina SK
Murray, John Pearson, 80.0, Pickering ON
Nguyen, Duy Ly, 30.0, Vancouver BC
Otway, Jennifer, 42.0, Edmonton AB
Pilon, Gilles, 61.0, Lachute QC
Sahadeo, Russell, 23.0, Toronto ON
Saqib, Mohammed, 33.0, Calgary AB
Schmeikal, Jonathan Joe, 34.0, Calgary AB
Seymour, Mark Ian, 36.0, Kingston ON
Sun, Peng, Vancouver, BC
Warmerdam, Nathalie, 48.0, Wilno ON
Watts, John, 65.0, South Frontenac ON
Wilson, Judith, 62.0, Oakville ON
Hagan, Jessica, 19, Calgary, AB
Miles, Matthew Charles, 47, Burnaby, BC
Johnson, Edwin, 48, Montreal,QC