The 2022 Laval Homicide Victim List is available here
Laval police responded to a 911 report of a home invasion on May 24th at 1:55 a.m. According to reports, Eduardo Larenas, 42, and Gladys Rosana Lopez, 50 told police they had just been robbed at their residence on Place du Cormoran, in the Ste-Rose district, and had taken refuge at a family member’s home.
Police arrived to find a 17-year-old male deceased inside the home. Sûreté du Québec has taken over the investigation, and Laval police believe the homicide is tied to organized crime.
As a result of the investigation, Eduardo Larenas, 41, was charged with second-degree murder on May 25th and Gladys Rosana Lopez, 50, was charged with being an accomplice after the fact.