Zachary Jenkins Verret and Nathan Fréchette charged with the murder of Gilles Gosselin, a 54-year-old homeless man in Quebec City

The 2023 Quebec Homicide Victim List is available here

Quebec City police responded to a 911 call made by a passerby for an unresponsive man on the ground who is not breathing on April 22nd at approximately 5:50am at the Marina Saint-Roch near the swimming pool.

On arrival police located Gilles Gosselin, 54, of no fixed address deceased.

Service de police de la Ville de Québec confirmed in a press release that the two persons of interest in the file of the homicide that occurred at the Marina Saint-Roch had been arrested on April 25th. The SPVQ is now able to confirm that the two suspects, Nathan Fréchette and Zachary Jenkins Verret, aged 18 and 22 appeared in court on April 26th by videoconference to answer charges of first degree murder, attempted of murder, aggravated assault and robbery.

The investigation, led by the Serious Crimes Unit of the SPVQ, is ongoing. If you have information on these individuals, if you have been a witness, a victim or if you have information to share please contact police at 418 641-AGIR (2447) and for people outside Quebec City, 1 888 641-AGIR