Police were alerted to a shooting in the area at about 4:20 a.m on December 19th. when they arrived they found a 33 year old Peter Bender dead in his car of a gun shot wound, at the Maple Ridge
Tag: B.C
Peng Sun Kidnapped and murdered
The Chinese consulate in Vancouver have confirmed officials are cooperating with the RCMP investigation into the alleged kidnaping for ransom of Peng Sun which happened on September 27th. SunR
Duy Ly Nguyen of Ontario gunned down in Vancouver
The daylight execution of Duy Ly Nguyen happened at a busy Vancouver shopping mall Spetember 27th. Nguyen 30, was gunned down just after 2 p.m while in his car, police say they believe shooting i
Samir Mokhtar Vancouvers 10th homicide of 2015
Samir Mokhtar was shot to death in East Vancouver July 27th, just blocks from the murder scene of Jason Nguyen. Mokhtar was accused in the killing of 20-year-old Aladdin Ramadan, September 2014, a
Jason Nguyen 15 years old is Vancouver’s 9th homicide
Jason Nguyen was found injured in his home by a family member on Sunday July 26th. Police say the teen had severe injuries and was rushed to a nearby children’s hospital, but he died on th
Body found in Andy Livingstone Park, Matthew Brenner, 26 charged
A body of a man was found dead by witnesses on July 17th in Andy Livingstone Park, in Vancouver. The victim has only been identified only as a 44-year-old who had recently arrived in Vancouver. Mi
Autumn Dawn Desjarlais charged with the murder of Carlene Jack
Carlene Jack, 19, was stabbed over a confrontation of items that the accused took from her home on July 15, less than a block away from her home, in Alberni, B.C. The accused woman Autumn Dawn
Police investigate suspicious death of Australian teen Jake Kermond, in Whistler
Detectives are investigating whether skier Jake Kermond of Austraillia fell or was pushed from a cliff into a gravel pit in Whistler. His body was discovered in an industrial area of the village
47-year-old Amardeep Singh Ahluwalia dead in his home
Police discovered Amardeep Singh Ahluwalia 47 yr-old, body his Feedham Ave home in Kelowna, July 7th. Police are saying little about the man’s death, but do describe his killing as “
Edwin Shek-Yin Cheng shot dead in vehicle at Sikh temple
Edwin Shek-Yin Cheng 42, of Richmond was shot dead in the parking lot of Richmond’s Nanaksar Gurdwara Gursikh Temple in Richmond B.C. on June 5th. Police believe this to be a targeted attack and