Canada October Murder Count: 55
Males: 39
Females: 15
The October 2018 Homicide List is available here.
Age of Youngest Victim: 1
Age of Oldest Victim: 65
Murders By Province or Territory
ON 17
MB 11
AB 7
BC 7
QC 6
SK 3
NB 2
NU 1
NS 1
YT 0
PE 0
NT 0
NL 0
Murders by Type
Beating 1
Shooting 17
Stabbing 9
Other 3
Unknown 26
Murders By City
Winnipeg 8
Toronto 8
Montreal 4
Surrey 2
Mississauga 2
Hamilton 2
Calgary 2
Windsor 1
Vancouver 1
Upper Coverdale 1
Thompson 1
Terrebonne 1
Slave Lake 1
Richmond 1
Regina 1
Peace River 1
Paul First Nation 1
Pangnirtung 1
Ottawa 1
Norway House 1
Niagara Falls 1
Newmarket 1
Longueuil 1
Lincoln 1
Hinton 1
Halifax 1
Grand Prairie 1
Georgetown 1
Coquitlam 1
Chilliwack 1
Campbell River 1
Big Island Lake Cree 1
Brandon 1
Battleford 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Doe, John, Paul First Nation, AB
Baldwin, Keith, 27, Chilliwack BC
Bishop, Roer, 49, Longueuil QC
Bryant, Delauntae, 24, Toronto ON
Catcheway, Neilson, 40, Winnipeg MB
Chong, Stephen, 58, Richmond BC
DeShane, Taylor, Newmarket, ON
Delahaye, Giovanni, Mississauga, ON
Denney, Thomas, 62, Toronto ON
Doe, Jane, Surrey, BC
Doe, Jane, 1, Niagara Falls ON
Doe, Jane, 5, Montreal QC
Doe, Jane, 14, Winnipeg MB
Doe, Jane, 37, Peace River AB
Doe, Jane, 52, Pangnirtung NU
Doe, John, Campbell River, BC
Doe, John, Norway House, MB
Doe, John, Ottawa, ON
Doe, John, Slave Lake, AB
Doe, John, Windsor, ON
Doe, John, 7, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 14, Hamilton ON
Doe, John, 23, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 47, Surrey BC
Doe, John, 55, Edmonton AB
Dreaver, Matthew, 16, Toronto ON
Duperron, Nature, 25, Hinton AB
Gatzke, Ryan John, 27, Battleford SK
Geleta, Bethelhem, 22, Toronto ON
Harper, Edwin, 32, Winnipeg MB
Hughes, Betty, 63, Beandon MB
Huynh, Michael, 30, Toronto ON
Ibrahim, Mario, Mississauga, ON
Jama, Farhan, 28, Toronto ON
Junedi-Mohamed, Obsa, 29, Hamilton ON
Kininga, Tresor Tresor, 36, Toronto ON
Kiseyinewakup, Zane, Big Island Lake Cree, SK
Lamontagne, Linda, 65, Halifax NS
Letniak, Karen, 48, Winnipeg MB
Lorde, Ryan, 36, Georgetown ON
Maniago, Matthew, 29, Calgary AB
McKay, Darlus, 19, Winnipeg MB
Michaloski, Cody, 28, Grand Prairie AB
Moose, Bobbie Lyn Lee, 29, Thompson MB
Nelson, Maggie, 60, Vancouver BC
Onwu, Deborah, 48, Calgary AB
Palidwor, Wayne, 62, Winnipeg MB
Rose, Darcy Leslie, 37, Winnipeg MB
Rowe, Eric, 20, Toronto ON
Sacobie, Michael, 50, Lincoln NB
Scoppa, Andrew, Montreal, QC
Sevigny, Gaetan, 53, Terrebonne QC
Straight, Evan, 19, Upper Coverdale NB
Sutherland, Matthew, 28, Winnipeg MB
Taitinger, Oscar, 8, Coquitlam BC
Waprmoose, Jenaya, 22, Regina SK