May 2016 Statistics are available here.
Canada May Murder Count: 45
Males: 35
Females: 9
Unknnown: 1
Age of Youngest Victim: 6
Age of Oldest Victim: 67
Murders By Province or Territory
ON 14
QC 10
AB 9
BC 5
SK 3
MB 3
NU 1
YT 0
PE 0
NT 0
NS 0
NL 0
NB 0
Murders by Type
Beating 4
Shooting 15
Stabbing 4
Other 5
Unknown 17
Murders By City
Montreal 6
Calgary 3
Toronto 2
Regina 2
Mississauga 2
Brampton 2
Winnipeg 1
Vancouver 1
Thunder Bay 1
Shamattawa 1
Sault Ste. Marie 1
Sandy Lake First Nation 1
Rickmond 1
Red Deer 1
Quebec City 1
Prince George 1
Ottawa 1
Norway House 1
Laval 1
High Level 1
Hamilton 1
Gatineau 1
Fort Qu’Appelle 1
Fort McMurray 1
Fishing Lake Metis Settlement 1
Edmonton 2
Carling Township 1
Burns Lake 1
Brossard 1
Bracebridge 1
Beaverton 1
Apex 1
Abbotsford 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Ader, Marchi-Karzazi, 28, Brossard QC
Afrah, Ahmad, 19, Ottawa ON
Ano, Jarso Boku, 23, Winnipeg MB
Bishop, Raymond, 59, Burns Lake BC
Bryany, Janice Nicole, 33, Vancouver BC
Danach, Mustapha, 30, Montreal QC
Doe, Jane, Gatineau, QC
Colley, Joanne, Toronto, ON
Doe, Jane, Mississauga, ON
Doe, Jane, 6, Red Deer AB
Doe, Jane, 64, Bracebridge ON
Doe, John, Brampton, ON
Doe, John, Calgary, AB
Doe, John, Calgary, AB
Doe, John, Fort McMurray, AB
Doe, John, High Level, AB
Doe, John, Montreal, QC
Doe, John, Montreal, QC
Doe, John, Montreal, QC
Doe, John, Prince George, BC
Doe, John, Thunder Bay, ON
Abdiqani Abshir, 24, Toronto, ON
Doe, John, 21, Beaverton ON
Doe, John, 23, Apex NU
Doe, John, 24, Mississauga ON
Doe, John, 24, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 28, Shamattawa MB
Doe, John, 31, Norway House MB
Doe, John, 33, Laval QC
Doe, John, 34, Brampton ON
Doe, John, 49, Montreal QC
Dunn, Frederick, 67, Edmonton AB
Fiddler, Wilfred, 49, Sandy Lake First Nation ON
Klair, Jasdeep Singh, 24, Rickmond BC
Lajimodiere, Merle Gabriel Eli, 16, Fishing Lake Metis Settlement AB
Lamothe, Jocelyn, 54, Quebec City QC
Lerat, Lucas, 27, Fort Qu’Appelle SK
McGrath, Nancy, 39, Carling Township ON
Musitano, Angelo, 39, Hamilton ON
Nippi, Rodney, 46, Regina SK
Paciorek, Beata, 35, Sault Ste. Marie ON
Pardalis, Nektarios, 41, Abbotsford BC
Pasap, Andrew, 19, Regina SK
Voytilla, Timothy, 44, Calgary AB
John Doe 6months, Edmonton