March 2023 Homicide Victim List

The March 2022 Homicide list is available here

Canada March Murder Count: 65

Males: 44

Females: 20

Age of Youngest Victim: 1

Age of Oldest Victim: 75

Murder by Province or Territory
ON 17
AB 14
MB 11
BC 8
QC 9
NB 2
YT 2
NL 1
NS 0
NT 0
NU 0
PE 0
SK 1

Murder by City:
Edmonton 10
Toronto 7
Montreal 5
Winnipeg 4
London 2
Mayo 2
Mississauga 2
Oshawa 2
Vancouver 2
Calgary 1
Corner Brook 1
God’s River 1
Gympsumville 1
Hamilton 1
Kamloops 1
Lincoln 1
Louiseville 1
Monton 1
Okotoks 1
Opaskwayak Cree Nation 1
Pauingassi First Nation 1
Prince George 1
Ridge Meadows 1
Sagkeeng First Nation 1
Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation 1
Surrey 1
Thompson 1
Vaughan 1
Wabaseemoong 1
West Vancouver 1
Willow Creek 1
St-Frédéric 2
North Battleford 1
Caledon 1
Grey Wolf Bay 1
Wemindji 1

Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Frenette, Rodney, 56, Beating, Monton, NB
Abialmouna, Mya, 21, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
Bagley, Troy, 51, Beating, Winnipeg, MB
Barberstock, Robert, 55, Shooting, Hamilton, ON
Boon, Melinda, 44, Other, Toronto, ON
Breau, Maureen, Stabbing, Louiseville, QC
Brown, Levi Jordan, 36, Unknown, London, ON
Cameron, Joel, 41, Shooting, London, ON
Campiou, Patricia, 59, Unknown, Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, AB
Doe, JOhn, 32, Unknown, Willow Creek, AB
Doe, Jane, 5 month, Beating, Edmonton, AB
Doe, Jane, 18, Unknown, God’s River, MB
Doe, Jane, 36, Unknown, Thompson, MB
Doe, John, 63, Beating, Corner Brook, NL
Lori Gordon, Shooting, Winnipeg, MB
Katie Kainz Stabbing, Oshawa, ON
Doe, John, 15, Shooting, Winnipeg, MB
Doe, John, 18, Shooting, Montreal, QC
Doe, John, 27, Shooting, Lincoln, NB
Doe, John, 34, Unknown, Gympsumville, MB
Doe, John, 39, Unknown, Pauingassi First Nation, MB
Doe, John, 42, Beating, Sagkeeng First Nation, MB
Doe, John, 71, Unknown, Montreal, QC
Doe, John, Shooting, Mississauga, ON
Doe, John, Unknown, Edmonton, AB
Doe, John, Unknown, Mayo, YT
Doe, John, Unknown, Mayo, YT
Doe, John, Unknown, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, MB
Doe, John, Unknown, Prince George, BC
Doe, John, Unknown, West Vancouver, BC
Donovan, Jo-Anne, 57, Unknown, Kamloops, BC
Fofanah, Mohamed Lamin, 20, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
Frencheater, Nathan, 34, Stabbing, Edmonton, AB
Galarneau, Richard, 53, Stabbing, Montreal, QC
Ghaly, Ossama, Other, Edmonton, AB
Gingras, Mylène, 75, Stabbing, Montreal, QC
Gingras-Boucher, Francine, 53, Stabbing, Montreal, QC
Harrison, Shacquan, 24, Stabbing, Toronto, ON
Hassan, Madar, 21, Shooting, Toronto, ON
Ibrahinidan, Usama, 20, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
Jawaid, Amaar, 22, Other, Oshawa, ON
Jordan, Travis, 35, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
Jorquera, Sarah, 15, Shooting, Calgary, AB
Khalid, Saima, 50, Stabbing, Toronto, ON
Kitil, Kalab, 31, Unknown, Edmonton, AB
Lara-Alvarez, Bryan, 29, Shooting, Mississauga, ON
Magalhaes, Gabriel, 16, Stabbing, Toronto, ON
Miller, Tara, 37, Unknown, Okotoks, AB
Mills-Smith, Alexander, 24, Shooting, Vaughan, ON
Morin, Caleb, 22, Stabbing, Vancouver, BC
Munroe, Jeffrey, 55, Stabbing, Toronto, ON
Ryan, Brett, 30, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
Schmidt, Paul Stanley, 37, Stabbing, Vancouver, BC
Singh, Surinderjit, 55, Unknown, Ridge Meadows, BC
Smith, Alex, 61, Unknown, Wabaseemoong, ON
Smith, Aren Alexander, 38, Shooting, Surrey, BC
Traverse, Treymaine, 33, Unknown, Winnipeg, MB
Walters, Shawn, 39, Shooting, Toronto, ON
Jones Michael, Male, beating, Victoria, BC
John Doe, Male, 12, St-Frédéric
Jane Doe, Female, 4, St-Frédéric

Lapointe David, Male, 61, North Battleford
Cassie Antle, 29, Caledon, Ontario (March 4)
No name released, 36, Grey Wolf Bay, Manitoba (March 24)
Stephanie Kitchen, 33, Indigenous, Wemindji, Quebec (March 24)