June 2020 Homicide Victim List

Canada June Murder Count: 49
Males: 35
Females: 15

The June 2019 Homicide Victim List is available here.

Age of Youngest Victim: 1
Age of Oldest Victim: 75

Murders By Province or Territory
ON 12
AB 13
BC 10
QC 5
MB 4
SK 3
NT 1
YT 0
PE 0
NU 0
NS 0
NL 0
NB 2

Murders by Type
Beating 4
Shooting 14
Stabbing 3
Other 4
Unknown 23

Murders By City
Calgary 4
Toronto 3
Langley 3
Winnipeg 2
Surrey 3
North Battleford 2
Montreal 2
Edmonton 2
Westlock 1
Vegreville 1
Val d’Or 1
Thunder Bay 1
Spirit River 1
Skownan 1
Salt Spring Island 1
Regina 1
Pukatawagan 1
Portage la Prairie 1
Ormstown 1
Oliver 1
Mississauga 1
Milton 1
Markham 1
London 1
Leduc County 1
Kingston 1
Inuvik 1
Gleichen 1
Gatineau 1
Deseronto 1
Chilliwack 1
Boston Bar 1
Alliston 1
Ajax 1
Clairmont 1

Victims and links to more information on each homicide: 
Bazyar, Tatania, 50, Langley BC 
Benns, Trevor, 45, Alliston ON 
Berg, Alicia, 29, Boston Bar BC 
Bijelic, John, 57, Vegreville AB 
Brown, Kelvin, 21, Ajax ON 
Bryant, Tessa, 7, North Battleford SK 
Bryany, Wesley, 11, North Battleford SK 
Chehimi, Farzat, 34, Edmonton AB 
Chitze, Jacob, 19, Leduc County AB 
Cochrane, Cara, 37, Kingston ON
Commandeur, Kyler, 19, Clairmont
Doe, JOhn, Surrey, BC 
Doe, Jane, 22, Pukatawagan MB 
Doe, Jane, 74, Ormstown QC 
Doe, Jane, 75, Deseronto ON 
Rajan Baraich, 31, Male, 31, Edmonton, AB
Doe, John, Gatineau, QC 
Doe, John, Milton, ON 
Doe, John, Oliver, BC 
Doe, John, Portage la Prairie, AB 
Doe, John, Spirit River, AB 
Doe, John, Westlock, AB 
Doe, John, 1, Regina SK 
Doe, John, 13, Val d’Or QC
Doe, John, 23, Montreal QC
 Doe, John, 31, Skownan MB 
Dubet, Abdilaziz, 21, Mississauga ON 
Eagle Child, Danny Jr, 53, Gleichen AB 
Ebrahimian, Mediya Befrin, 23, Langley BC
 Fan, Bo, 41, Surrey BC 
Forbster, Robert James, 33, Winnipeg MB 
Goodeye, Nathaniel, 35, Calgary AB 
Horrace, Bill Chamber, 44, London ON 
Jacob, Lydia Rose, 47, Thunder Bay ON 
Jogiyat, Maaz, 20, Toronto ON 
John, Doe, Inuvik, NT 
Joseph, Shaquille Sacha, 25, Montreal QC 
Klose, Charles, 58, Chilliwack BC 
Knights-Roberts, Stephon Anton, 30, Toronto ON 
Mahalingham, Mathan, 45, Markham ON 
Quesnel, Jennifer, 41, Salt Spring Island BC
Sadat, Farogh, 37, Toronto ON 
Smith, Shane Eric James, 20, Calgary AB 
Smith, Shane Eric James, 20, Calgary AB
 VirtucioI, Benjamin, 29, Calgary AB 
White, Disdale, 59, Winnipeg MB 
Zangrilli, Francesco, 46, Langley BC
Karlee May Dixon, Female, 40, Surrey
Levi Rodney, Male, Shooting, Sunny Corner NB
Chantal Moore, Edmunston, NB

Details on Canada’s Top 10 Mass Murders based on number of victims can be found here!