Canada June Murder Count: 39
Males: 29
Females: 10
Age of Youngest Victim: 12
Age of Oldest Victim: 79
Murders By Province or Territory
ON 15
AB 7
MB 5
BC 4
SK 2
NS 2
QC 3
NB 1
YT 0
PE 0
NU 0
NT 0
NL 0
Murders by Type
Beating 5
Shooting 13
Stabbing 12
Other 1
Unknown 8
Murders By City
Toronto 6
Edmonton 3
Winnipeg 3
Vaughn 2
Fox Creek 2
Cross Lake 2
Calgary 2
Windsor 1
Thunder Bay 1
Richmond 1
Punnichy 1
Prince Albert 1
Niagara Falls 1
New Westminster 1
Montreal 1
Mississauga 1
London 1
Leech 1
Langly 1
Kelowna 1
Guelph 1
Dartmouth 1
Terrebonne 2
Kingston 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Abdullahi, Abdiweli, Toronto, ON
Berg, Andrea Marie, Edmonton, AB
Bourne, Brett, 17.0, Winnipeg MB
Caputo, Giuseppe, 70.0, Niagara Falls ON
Charlie-Stillaway, Larissa, 22.0, Thunder Bay ON
Cook, Jeremy Ryan, 18.0, London ON
Cyr, Clayton Charles, 43.0, Punnichy SK
De Simone, Christopher, 24.0, Vaughn ON
Delve, Ryan Edward, 43.0, Calgary AB
Derksen, David, 37.0, Fox Creek AB
Dhandwar, Charan Kaur, 79.0, New Westminster BC
Dirie, Mohamed Abdiwal, Toronto, ON
Doe, John, 20.0, Langly BC
Doe, John, 26.0, Cross Lake MB
Doe, John, 26.0, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 30.0, Cross Lake MB
Doe, John, 48.0, Leech NB
Dubois, Hally, 50.0, Fox Creek AB
Iron-Howard, Claudia Mary, 29.0, Edmonton AB
Kelly, Brandon, 24.0, RESERVE MINES NS
Knoll, Bradley Wayne, 59.0, Dartmouth NS
Malik, Amir Hayat, 32.0, Windsor ON
Napope, Troy Cecil, Prince Albert, SK
Parsi, Sina, 32.0, Toronto ON
Patel, Arif, 23.0, Toronto ON
Plain, Daniel, 12.0, Toronto ON
Rashidi, Maryam, 35.0, Calgary AB
Schweitzer, Chris, Guelph, ON
Scott, Linda, 67.0, Toronto ON
Shek-Yin Cheng, Edwin, Richmond, BC
Stinson, Jason, Winnipeg, MB
Voci, Maria, 47.0, Vaughn ON
Wallace, William, 74.0, Mississauga ON
Welters, Warren, 51.0, Kelowna BC
Woodall, Daniel, 35.0, Edmonton AB
Kakewash, Elmer, 29, Winnipeg MB
Babcock, Katelan, 27, Kingston, ON
Doe, John, 37, Terrebonne, QC
Doe, Jane, 36, Terrebonne, QC