Canada February Murder Count: 40 (43 in 2017)
Males: 32
Females: 8
The February 2017 Homicide Victim List is Available Here.
Age of Youngest Victim: 14
Age of Oldest Victim: 80
Murders By Province or Territory
ON 19
MB 5
BC 5
QC 3
AB 3
SK 2
YT 1
NS 1
PE 0
NU 1
NT 0
NL 0
NB 0
Murders by Type
Beating 4
Shooting 14
Stabbing 4
Other 1
Unknown 17
Murders By City
Toronto 3
Ryerson Township 3
Ottawa 4
Montreal 3
Winnipeg 2
Windsor 2
Vancouver 2
Whitehorse 1
Thunder Bay 1
Swan River 1
Standoff 1
South-West Oxford Township 1
Sault Ste. Marie 1
Saskatoon 1
Regina 1
Pukatawagan 1
Oak River 1
London 1
Lloydminster 1
Langley 1
Gander 1
Fort McMurray 1
Fort Erie 1
Elliott Lake 1
Coquitlam 1
Brampton 1
Campbell River 1
Clyde River 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Al-Romeshi, Tarek Ali, 23, Langley BC
Baxter, Nicholas, 28, Thunder Bay ON
Bearhat, Rance, 26, Standoff AB
Bien, Chelsey Tegan, 25, Whitehorse YT
Chaisson, James, 28, Saskatoon SK
Chisholm, Ashley, 38, Fort McMurray AB
Coughlin, Terrance, 59, Toronto ON
Damm, Leonard, 73, Windsor ON
Daud, Egal, 30, Ottawa ON
Desousa, Maria, 80, Ottawa ON
Doe, Jane, Ryerson Township, ON
Doe, Jane, Ryerson Township, ON
Doe, Jane, 14, Gander NS
Doe, John, Fort Erie, ON
Doe, John, Oak River, MB
Doe, John, Ryerson Township, ON
Doe, John, 29, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 32, Pukatawagan MB
Doe, John, 36, Swan River MB
Doe, John, 40, Regina SK
Doe, John, 52, Montreal QC
Doe, John, 55, Montreal QC
Flett, Conrad, 27, Winnipeg MB
Fotheringham, Vanessa, 24, South-West Oxford Township ON
Francois, Joseph, 45, Winnipeg MB
Gauthier, Chance, 16, Windsor ON
Kelly, Donald, 45, Coquitlam BC
Lynas, Shane Victor, 47, Lloydminster AB
MacDonald, Martin James, 51, Vancouver BC
Gerald Leduc, Ottawa, ON
Munro, Joshua, 22, Campbell River, BC
Omar, Isahaq, 36, Toronto ON
Rai, Kaminder, 32, Vancouver BC
Smith, Christine, 32, London ON
Stewart, Anik, Toronto, ON
Swanson, Christopher, 23, Sault Ste. Marie ON
Topping, Joseph, 31, Elliott Lake ON
Willis, Oliver, 37, Brampton ON
Pierre Charron, Ottawa, ON
Doe, John, 66, Clyde River;NU