August 2023 Canadian Homicide Statistics

The August 2022 Homicide list is available here

Canada August Murder Count: 72

Males: 51
Female: 21

Age of Youngest Victim: 15

Age of Oldest Victim:

Murder by Province or Territory
ON 20
QC 14
MB 10
BC 8
AB 8
SK 4
NL 2
NS 2
NB 1
NU 1
NT 0
PE 0
YT 0

Murder by City:
Montreal 8
Toronto 8
Edmonton 7
Winnipeg 3
Brandon 2
Halifax 2
Kirkland Lake 2
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies 2
Quebec City 2
Surrey 2
Behchokǫ̀; 1
Blumenort 1
Bunibonibee Cree Nation 1
Calgary 1
Emma Lake 1
Happy Valley-Goose Bay 1
Hope 1
Kelowna 1
Kitchener 1
London 1
Mission 1
Morris 1
Mount Pearl 1
North Battlefords 1
Ottawa 1
Owen Sound 1
Peterborough 1
Rankin Inlet 1
Saint Georges 1
Saint John 1
Saskatoon 1
Sicamous 1
Sioux Valley Dakota Nation 1
Thompson 1
Vancouver 1
Victoria Harbour 1
Wickham 1
Sudbury 1
Richmond Hill 1
Rutland 1
Six Nations 1
Sioux Lookout 1
Broadview 1

Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Abdulaziz, Majid, 37, Stabbing, Toronto, ON
Ahmeti, Granit, 26, Shooting, Ottawa, ON
Alaga, Oluwatobi Tobi, 41, Shooting, Toronto, ON
Araia, Menghsteab, 69, Other, Toronto, ON
Barbaric, James, 37, Beating, North Battlefords, SK
Bear, Melissa, 33, Unknown, Saskatoon, SK
Belkahla, Walid, 18, Other, Montreal, QC
Demos, George Nickolas, 50, Stabbing, Winnipeg, MB
Dempsey, Adam Jerome, 32, Stabbing, Halifax, NS
Desmond, Davelle Rodney Vance, 26, Unknown, Halifax, NS
Doe, JOhn, 17, Unknown, Behchokǫ̀;, WT
Doe, JOhn, Unknown, Sicamous, BC
Doe, Jane, 65, Shooting, Morris, MB
Doe, Jane, 65, Unknown, Mount Pearl, NL
Lea Thompson, 33, Unknown, Kirkland Lake, ON
Doe, John, 15, Shooting, Winnipeg, MB
Doe, John, 21, Shooting, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, MB
Doe, John, 22, Unknown, Bunibonibee Cree Nation, MB
Doe, John, 25, Shooting, Quebec City, QC
Doe, John, 27, Shooting, Blumenort, MB
Doe, John, 32, Stabbing, Vancouver, BC
Doe, John, 328, Shooting, Hope, BC
Doe, John, 33, Shooting, Thompson, MB
Doe, John, 35, Stabbing, Surrey, BC
Doe, John, 38, Unknown, Saint John, NB
Doe, John, 43, Unknown, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
Doe, John, 46, Stabbing, Brandon, MB
Doe, John, 55, Stabbing, Surrey, BC
Doe, John, Other, Edmonton, AB
Doe, John, Shooting, Calgary, AB
Doe, John, Stabbing, Quebec City, QC
Doe, John, Unknown, Brandon, MB
Doe, John, Unknown, Kelowna, BC
Doe, John, Unknown, Kirkland Lake, ON
Doe, John, Unknown, Rankin Inlet, NU
Dpe, John, 28, Shooting, Montreal, QC
Hassan, Ahmed, 67, Unknown, Toronto, ON
Hassan, Fadumo, 29, Unknown, Toronto, ON
Henry-Robinson, Nakhari Negus, 23, Shooting, Toronto, ON
Jansen, Jacob, 27, Stabbing, Peterborough, ON
Jawad, Karar, Unknown, Edmonton, AB
Khan, Saniya, 31, Other, Montreal, QC
Lacroix, Charlie, 18, Other, Montreal, QC
Lamontagn, Tristan, Unknown, Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, QC
Lamontagne, Antoine, Unknown, Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, QC
Lessard, Caroline, Beating, Saint Georges, QC
MacDonald, Douglas James, 54, Other, Toronto, ON
Maheux, Camille, 80, Other, Montreal, QC
McDonnell-Mills, Malik, 16, Unknown, London, ON
Miller, Jamie, Shooting, Victoria Harbour, ON
O’Reilly, Robyn-Krystle, 34, Unknown, Wickham, QC
Okemow, Phillip, 27, Unknown, Emma Lake, SK
Patterson, Stephanie, 44, Unknown, Mission, BC
Rahman, Sharifur, 44, Beating, Owen Sound, ON
Roulette, Cory, 38, Shooting, Winnipeg, MB
Sears, Nathan, 35, Other, Montreal, QC
Sheffield, Bretrt, 38, Beating, Toronto
Tarnue, Joshua, 18, Shooting, Kitchener, ON
Wu, An, 31, Other, Montreal, QC
Yetna, Kenny Nyemeg, 24, Unknown, Edmonton, AB
Zafar, Dania, 31, Other, Montreal, QC
Alister Chisholm, Male, Shooting, Edmonton, AB
John Doe, Male, Edmonton
Unknown child, Female, 18 months, Edmonton
John Doe, Male, 22, Shooting, Sudbury
Brianna Jankauskas (Hawes), Rutland, British Columbia (August 21)
No name released, Female, Richmond Hill, Ontario (August 25)
Jocelyn Greene, Indigenous, Six Nations, Ontario (August 4)
Andrea Harper, 48, Indigenous, Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation, Ontario (August 7)
Adrianna Bottle, 40, Indigenous, Sioux Lookout, Ontario (August 11)
No name released, 54, Broadview, Saskatchewan (August 16)
47 – Debbie Elaine Poole, Female, Stabbing, August, Edmonton