The April 2018 List is available here
Canada April Murder Count: 50
Males: 38
Age of Youngest Victim: 1
Age of Oldest Victim: 78
Murders By Province or Territory
ON 15
BC 12
AB 13
MB 4
SK 3
NU 1
NT 1
YT 0
QC 1
PE 0
NS 0
NL 0
NB 0
Murders by Type
Beating 3
Shooting 19
Stabbing 4
Other 1
Unknown 20
Murders By City
Toronto 5
Penticton 4
Calgary 4
Surrey 3
Winnipeg 2
Stony Mountain 2
Ottawa 2
Yorkton 1
Vancouver 1
Thunder Bay 1
Saskatoon 1
Sarnia 1
Salmon Arm 1
Regina 1
Pond Inlet 1
Pickering 1
North Vancouver 1
New Westminster 1
Lloydminster 1
Kitkatla 1
Elora 1
Innisfail 1
Hamilton 1
Edmonton 2
Eden Valley First Nations 1
Cambridge 1
Brantford 1
Bezanson 1
Behchoko 1
Fort McMurray 1
Swan River 1
Granby 1
Saddle Lake 1
Oshawa 1
Victims and links to more information on each homicide:
Abera, Robel Kinfe, 20, New Westminster BC
Alhoran, Yazan, 20, Winnipeg MB
Ayre, Andrew, 52, Thunder Bay ON
Bourne, Khan, Surrey, BC
Carrington, Rae Cara, 51, Toronto ON
Cardinal, Kimberly, 34, Saddle Lake AB
Cook-Buckle, Tristen Nicholas Morningeagle, 20, Edmonton AB
Doe, Jane, Cambridge, ON
Doe, Jane, Swan River AB
Doe, Jane, Penticton, BC
Doe, Jane, Penticton, BC
Doe, John, Brantford, ON
Doe, John, Edmonton, AB
Doe, Jane, Granby QC
Doe, John, Calgary, AB
Doe, John, Calgary, AB
Doe, John, Penticton, BC
Doe, John, Penticton, BC
John Doe, Elora, ON
Doe, John, Pickering, ON
Doe, John, Regina, SK
Doe, John, Stony Mountain, MB
Doe, John, Surrey, BC
Doe, John, 21, Pond Inlet NU
Doe, John, 26, Sarnia ON
Doe, John, 27, Stony Mountain MB
Doe, John, 34, Kitkatla BC
Dumont, Raymond, 32, Lloydminster AB
Ear, Jarvis, 19, Eden Valley First Nations AB
Fernandez, Joselito, 53, Winnipeg MB
Fiddler, Merna, 55, Bezanson AB
Focht, Colin Robert, 25, Yorkton SK
Gannon, Lawrence Taylor, 28, Toronto ON
Godfrey, Robin, 32, Saskatoon SK
Grant, Winston, 40, Innisfail AB
Hassan, Abdalla, 17, Hamilton ON
Jimenez, Emilio, Ottawa, ON
Kumar, Amrendra Vijay, 30, Surrey BC
Kumar, Manoj, 30, Vancouver BC
Lovett, Jasmine, 25, Calgary AB
Nguyen, Anita, 32, North Vancouver BC
Ootoova, Abigail, 54, Ottawa ON
Parmenter, Gordon, 78, Salmon Arm BC
Stevens, Brandon, Fort McMurray, AB
Sanderson, Aliya, 1, Calgary AB
Skeete, Jermaine, 34, Toronto ON
Sundaralingam, Premachchandran, 53, Toronto ON
Truman, Wilfred, 77, Toronto ON
Wedzin, Archie, 59, Behchoko NT
John Doe, Male, infant, Oshawa